ADD & ADHD Treatment

ADHD can be effectively managed through various approaches. Our team collaborates with each patient to craft a personalized treatment strategy.

About A.D.D. and A.D.H.D.

ADHD can be effectively managed through various approaches. Our team collaborates with each patient to craft a personalized treatment strategy tailored to their needs.

Consultation for ADHD is typically initiated by educators, parents, or primary care physicians who suspect the presence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in you or your child. This may also arise when seeking a second opinion, either at the suggestion of your primary care provider or on your own accord as an adult patient who recognizes ADHD symptoms.


The consultation process often involves a thorough examination, including a review of medical history, patient records, and possibly diagnostic tests. For pediatric patients, it's advisable to bring school reports and standardized test results for a comprehensive assessment.


While ADHD cannot be cured, effective management strategies are available. Our providers collaborate closely with patients to develop a tailored treatment plan, which includes regular monitoring, follow-ups, and adjustments as needed. Treatment modalities may encompass:

  • Medication
  • ADHD coaching
  • Behavioral therapy
  • Support groups

Insurance and Billing

We accept most PPO’s and HMO’s through HealthCare Partners. For insurance-related inquiries, please contact us directly.

Recent Developments

Our physicians have contributed to over 200 clinical research trials, reflecting our commitment to advancing ADHD treatment.

In conclusion, while ADHD poses challenges, our comprehensive approach aims to empower patients in effectively managing and treating their condition.

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